After every wedding, it is expected that there should be a honeymoon-
not just a trip somewhere exotic but an actual taste of sexual honey
that you've abstained from all through your relationship. There are many
people these days who do not wait till the wedding night.
Many are eager to find out if they are sexually compatible with their
spouse before they commit After all, marriage shall not survive by good
works alone, but also by the satisfaction of sexual urges. For those who
choose to wait till the wedding night (which I strongly advise), here
are a few things you must know:
The fact that you have decided to wait till your wedding night does not
mean you shouldn't lust for one another. Many people are so frigid, they
consider lusting for their spouse a sin. Hello! lust is part of
marriage! If you do not feel any lust or any urge to cross the lines of
temptation, you may want to reconsider getting married. I am not saying
you should actually cross the line, but it is very important that you
feel like you want to. Friendship is all well and good; but if you have
friendship without lust in a marriage, it will not survive... just like
lust without friendship won't sustain your marriage.
Don't guilt-trip yourself: Many women and even pious men struggle with
the thought of having sex. It seems dirty; nonreligious and just
downright unholy. Don't fall into that trap. Having sex is a necessity
for a healthy outlook on life and yourself as an individual. If your
future spouse does not even want to discuss it before you are married,
the chances of you enjoying sex after marriage are very slim. You might
want to reconsider.
Don't expect too much from your wedding night. You might end up not
having any sex at all that night! Don't be surprised. I've heard of
couples who slept all through the night because they were completely
exhausted. So if you're thinking the wedding night will be the day the
cherry pops, don't get angry if you end up disappointed.
Be mentally prepared for surprises: You and your partner might need some
time to learn about each other's bodies, so sex probably won't be great
from day one. You might need some time to adjust to your different
rhythms, and movements so don't burst into tears if he moves like a race
car even though you prefer the speed of a wheelbarrow. Both of you will
learn within a couple of weeks. It is not that difficult!
Talk about it a lot beforehand: There's no better way to work yourself
up than talking about sex you can't have, but hey! anticipation is a
good thing. But even better than that is the fact that talking about it
gives you an insight into your partner's abilities and experiences. You
can tell your partner what you like, what you don't, so the first night,
there is some kind of understanding about what to do and what not to
Don't stress over it. Having sex is a normal body function like
swallowing is. Besides learning which zones to arouse, the rest of it is
pretty much standard information that comes naturally. Don't overthink
it, don't stress over it, and please by all means, don't get scared
because of it. Don't laugh. Some people actually get scared.
Make sure 'it' works. Ladies I'm sure you all know what 'it' is!Some
people hide behind waiting till the wedding night to hide physical
faults that can be medically corrected. Check 'it' works. I mean once in
a while when he's with you, you should see 'it' rise to the occasion,
and sometimes you should be able to feel it when he hugs you.
These are some of my tips. Married couples who have waited till the wedding night, do share your experiences