An incident has left parents and students in after it was discovered that a 15-year-old school girl allowed 25 men to have S3@.Xx:’ with her in the school toilet and it was recorded and shared on social media.
A shocking video has been circulated on Snapchat by a 16-year-old boy identified as William Scott showing a girl willingly having S3@.Xx:’ with 25 boys in her school toilet.
School staff were shocked to discover that the 15-year-old girl was not forced into the act rather she willingly allowed the boys to have S3@.Xx:’ with her as they took turns.
Local news station Fox4 reports many people in Lee County, Flordia, where the alleged incident took place, have been left shocked.
Eric Struble, a dad of two 15-year-old girls at the school, was asked for a reaction to the allegations.
“Shock. Disbelief. Concern. Sad.”
The girl allegedly admitted to having S3@.Xx:’ with multiple male students in the bathroom – and 25 students were identified going inside during the timeframe the girl was inside the second floor boys’ toilets.
“Like, how did it happen? Like, where was everybody at?” 18-year-old SFMHS student Petislin Cadeau wondered.
He told the television station that some of the school’s football team was involved in the incident.
“I heard a video was around but I never really saw it or anything. It just like circulated around,” Cadeau said
Another student said it was recorded and sent around school on Snapchat, adding that some of the videos were saved