The controversial singer, via a recent YouTube video, opened up on details about her S3@.Xx:’ual preferences and whatnot.
She explained how she loves having S3@.Xx:’, her preferences and more, adding that it all depends on her mood and energy level, among other things.
Controversial muisician Maheeda speaks on S3@.Xx:’ual satisfaction
She said:
“People always ask me about how I like S3@.Xx:’. For me, S3@.Xx:’ is to be enjoyed and it depends on my mood.
“Sometimes, I just want it rough and when I say rough I don’t mean violent, I mean hard. Sometimes I just want it in a gentle way.
“Sometimes, I have energy and I just want to use the energy to satisfy my man. Most African men think that the harder they do it, the better they are.
“I like to talk a lot before having S3@.Xx:’ so as to know my partner’s preference. If you want the same thing that I want then you are a good match.
“I hate dry S3@.Xx:’, when a man is doing what I am not feeling. I like my S3@.Xx:’ enjoyable, sometimes fast, and sometimes slow.
“Go online, watch some porn, sometimes porn is educative. If you don’t know how to do it there is no shame in it.”
What do you make of her analyses on S3@.Xx:’?